This is the future of web

Jamstack keeps the best of WordPress while solving for the key pain points of this widely used platform.



Traditional WordPress websites are hosted on centralized servers which slows them down. Jamstack sites are static sites that are on distributed networks close to the user, making them lightning fast.



Traditional WordPress websites require communicating with the server to load pages which exposes your site to attack. Jamstack pre-generates the pages beforehand and serves “read-only” versions to users.

silhouette of person sitting in yoga meditative position


With Jamstack, webpages can be deployed through content delivery networks (CDNs) as opposed to a central server, which means there is no risk of overloading the server with spikes in traffic.


Speed is the name of the game with SEO and with Google prioritizing website speed more in its algorithm, Jamstack is a no-brainer.

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